80°05′ Handmade Book(限定90部)
This photo book asks the simple question, ‘Why do explorers go on expeditions?’ is a visual story. The protagonists are the Japanese explorer Nobu Shirase, attempted to become the first person to reach the South Pole in 1912, and the modern-day explorer Masatatsu Abe, who inherited Shirase's challenge. The explorer's motives are visualised through various production processes, including research into the historical background to Shirase about 100 years ago, and close contact with Abe's personal life and tracing his roots. The cover of the book is made of the same nylon fabric as the outerwear that the explorer actually wore on his Antarctic expedition.
Size|190 × 250 × 25 mm
Edition|90 + AP
Language|日英併記 English and Japanese combined
LUMA Rencontres Dummy Award Arles 2022 |Shortlisted
Cologne PhotoBookMuseum Dummy Award 2023 |Shortlisted
Belfast Photo Festival 2024 -Open Call Photobook- |Winner
*一冊ずつ手作りの受注生産品です。制作期間として1 〜3 ヶ月程度お待ちいただく場合がございます。
Additional shipping charges apply.
通常版(79部)Normal Edition
¥ 24,200(税込) ED 1〜79 / 90
特別版(11部) プリント&小冊子セット
Special Edition Print & Booklet Set
¥ 198,000(税込) ED 80〜85 / 90 ※85 Sold out
¥ 209,000(税込) ED 86〜89 / 90 ※87,88 Sold out
¥ 220,000(税込) ED 90 / 90 ※Sold out
*大和雪原(南緯80 度)から南極点(90 度)到達を願う特別版。エディション番号を 80〜90 の中からお選びいただけます。
(2021-2022 年冒険時には85 度に到達)
プリント Print (Pigment print)
Sheet size A3|420×297mm Image size|390×267mm
小冊子 Booklet(主人公と作家の関係性をめぐる物語)
Size|170×170mm 16page *ミニプリント入り
Photobook spreads
In 1912, Japanese explorer Nobu Shirase attempted to become the first person to reach the South Pole, but had to retire at 80°05' South latitude. Now, over a century later, a man is pioneering an unexplored route from the retirement point, aiming for the South Pole on a solo trek. This man is explorer Masatatsu Abe, also hailing from Akita, just like Shirase.
Even when I am gone
Make sure to find
In Antarctica
The treasures beneath the earth
Until it is brought to the world
These are the verses composed by Shirase in his final moments. What are the treasures beneath the earth? And what drives these explorers to embark on these expeditions?
〜 我れ無くも 必らず捜せ 南極の 地中の宝 世にいだすまで 〜